Sunday, 17 March 2013

DIY: Fresh Pasta without a Pasta Machine!! (Gluten free)

Um, YES please!!

I made this with my lovely boyfriend, it was a bit of an experiment, but it worked! It was one of those light bulb moments you have when you're desperately trying to get to sleep.

Okidoke. Let's do this thing.

Let's see what we need...

A bowl.
A rolling pin.
A fork.
A wooden spoon or other stirring device.
Four eggs (small). Less if they are large.
 300g  of plain flour (I'm gluten intolerant, hence the gluten free flour).
And if you are making gluten free, and you have some within reach, use a quarter teaspoon of Xanthan gum. You don't need it, but it helps the pasta from breaking up too much.
Your hands!

This recipe makes about enough for two large servings. Yummeh.



Measure your flour and pour it in to your bowl and add + mix in the xanthan gum
And then.
Make a little well in ze middle, and then.....
Crack your eggs in to the middle! Ours spilled :(
(avoid this)
So, now we....
Gently whisk the eggs, without letting any flour in. Once you've done that, slowly add in the flour and mix it till all the flour is mixed together.
And then we want to:
Bring the dough together until it is all stuck.
Next, we:

Knead it.
And pat it on to a floured work surface.
And after that we:
Grab that rolling pin and get rolling! Roll it out as thin as you want the pasta to be (keeping in mind the fact that it will swell when cooked). In hindsight, I would say separate the dough prior to rolling it out and roll out those pieces. That way you could get them as thin as you want without rolling the dough over your entire kitchen bench. We were confined to a piece of cling film because we didn't want to messy our our pasta was fairly thick! (Phew, "rolling" is an odd word when you write it out that many times!)
(I would recommend wearing an apron)
When you have finished that:
 Make sure that the surface of the dough is floured. Now for the cool trick! Roll it up from end to end (props to Jamie Oliver for this idea!). Then chop up the roll as wide or as narrow as you'd like your pasta to be, and take each piece and un-roll it carefully, and pop it in to a bowl! Then sit back and admire your handiwork whilst you boil your pot of water.

And finally....


Cook it up, and dish it up! We are so hungry we forgot to take a photo of the finished product...Ooops!!

This was a bit of an experiment, and the next time I do it I would probably roll out the dough thinner amongst various other changes. As I improve I will update you on the new procedures! Either way though, it was delicious.

See you next time!

If you have any questions or just want to chat, email me at




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