Tuesday, 21 May 2013

An explanation.

Well hello,

So, it seems my blog has gone in to a little bit of a winter hibernation (a little early, but it's cold enough). I am just writing to explain to you the reason for my going AWOLL for the past, well, month(ish).

So, most of you who read this or know me will know that I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for some time. It was during this sickness that I started up this blog as a way of taking up my time and still helpings people and sharing my thoughts and creativity. I've been lucky enough to have a lot of support (and a bunch of views!) in this time, and I am so thankful to all of you who have become avid readers here!

Well, I have some pretty spiffy news. A couple of weeks ago, there was a guest preacher at our church. While he was there, there was a bunch of healing going on. My sister texted me and gave me the kick up the bum that I needed to get to church that night (I hadn't been since I got sick), and I am so glad I went!

Tony Aloe prayed for me, and the Holy Spirit came upon me and, in the most incredible experience of my life, He healed me of my chronic fatigue!

Yep, you heard me!! Healed! God is AMAZING! He really can do anything

You can check out this link here, if you want to see mine and Rachel's (an awesome girl who was ALSO healed of chronic fatigue!!!) testimonies!

That was on the 5th of this month. So between then and now....I've been living life! I've been going out late, going to church, shopping and partaking in various shenanigans. It is due to said shenanigans that I have not been blogging. I simply have not had time! I've been having too much fun!

Now that I'm healed, my relationship with God has been growing and I try to put my trust in Him with everything (I'm still learning!) and I'm looking at my career paths and getting a job, getting fit and healthy, socialising and so on. I'm living a normal life! I haven't had this much energy in years.

So about this blog of mine. Until I settle in to some type of routine, I'm not sure you'll see many updates. I'm just letting myself go for a while, I think I deserve it! As to when I will get in to a routine, that depends on my job situation and how I get involved in church and how busy I get. It depends where God takes me, and I'm SO excited to see where He does!

Praise God, He is just so wonderful.

I don't want to give up my blog, but I don't know when I'll be regularly on it again, because I'm just having so much fun!

So I want to thank you (yes, you!) for reading this and supporting me throughout the past little while.

I'll be back.

Ciao for now!




Thursday, 2 May 2013

April Favorites 2013!!

So, here's my favourite stuff from the month of April! All the things I've loved and have gotten me through the past month. Enjoy m'lovelies!

~ To Read ~


            Peppermint Magazine
Ah, Peppermint. Fresh, beautiful, sustainable, clean and just plain gorgeous. This magazine is so inspiring!! The moment I open it I just love it....it’s all about fashion and living in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way....and they talk about lots different projects, situations and artsy things going on in the world at the  moment. It’s a really wholesome read and it’s the first magazine I’ve ever had that I had an urge to read the issue more than once! The best thing? My darling boyfriend bought me a subscription for  Easter. The worst thing? It only comes out four times a year! Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. It’s so worth it though! Go on. Read it. You know you want to.

·         The Crafty Minx at Home
I was on holiday recently, and we decided to totter on up to Taree from where we were staying in Tuncurry (New South Wales), to have a bit of a shop. And boy, am I glad we did!!! Amongst all my other plunder, I found this little gem at a bookstore we decided to pop in to on our way back out of town. I already had a Kelly Doust book (bought for me by my lovely boyfriend), so I already knew just how great she was, but that didn’t prepare me for the pure loveliness of this book. It’s all about upcycling things you find at op shops, flea markets (which I am yet to go to), antique stores and auctions in to wonderful things for you to use at home. The book is separated in to sections, each dedicated to a room in the house, and full of little tutorials on making useful or just plain pretty things for that room out of second (or tenth) hand stuff. My personal favourite was her DIY on the string quilting, which I am going to have to have a go at very soon! Kelly has also written about the interesting history of certain pieces of furniture as well as teaches you all about the things you should collect from op shops to add to your craft supplies, which I have started to do, because you will always find a use for something pretty!!

~ To drink ~

 Chai tea...

Um, YUM! This stuff is the bomb, seriously. It’s like an explosion of awesomeness in your mouth. There’s all different types you can get, I personally enjoy the cinnamon infused the most. It's especially good when you add a dollop of whipped coconut cream, like I have here...kind of like a cheats chai latte. I just love to settle in to my couch on a tired day with an Alice in Wonderland mug full of chai and a date and almond roll ready to be scoffed down while watching a good movie. Or Dr Phil. Personally I never get tired of his coolness.  

Pom passion peach white tea
This stuff. This is some amazing stuff, man. It tastes like lollies, and it’s completely natural. I mean, what more could you want in a drink?? To make it even better, it’s my favourite colour too! It reminds me of gummy bears in taste, and is best when chilled. I discovered it upon leaving for our adventure to New South Wales when we visited Coles for food supplies. I’ve only had it that once, and it has stayed burned in to my memory by it’s pure deliciousness. It was in the fruit and veg section in the fridge, for those of you who want to try it!

~ To nom ~
(apologies for the lack of imagery here :( )

  Date and almond/coconut rolls
These are yet another tastes-like-junk-food-but-isn’t phenomenon. They are presented kind of like chocolate truffle (YUM) type deserts, but are made entirely out of dates (so, fruit) and either desiccated coconut or almonds. It’s like healthiness rolled up in to delicious, “but-it-can’t-be-healthy” looking foodstuffs.

Recently I went on a little culinary adventure in which I decided to attempt having raw lunches everyday. Unfortunately, a certain time-of-the-month came and foiled that plan with it’s craving-inducing torture. However, upon my little escapade I discovered a wonderful thing: pesto. It began with my wanting to produce a dip-like substance as a sort of surprise and treat for my dear Jeremiah when he came over to see me for the first time after my holiday, and it somehow morphed into my making an entire meal and setting up the front table all pretty for a sort of at home date. And so my personal take on pesto and gnocchi was born. I couldn’t follow the recipe because I didn’t have all the ingredients, so I threw almonds, parsley, garlic, chives, basil, mint basil, spring onions and who knows what else into the mini food processor, blitzed it up and stirred it through some steaming hot gluten free gnocchi and served it to the boyf. It was a hit.

~ To Pamper ~

 Pyjamas (Disney ones)
Nothing cheers up those of us stuck at home with chronic fatigue more than a good pair of jammies. I love nothing more than to snuggle up on the couch with my crochet and the aforementioned cup of chai, in my organically made Bambi pyjamas (yep, environmental goodness, jammies and Disney all in one....couldn’t get much more better than that!). Pyjamas are a great way to get into relaxation mode....I know when I was at school I would leave getting in to my PJ’s until after I had finished my homework for the night, so it was kind of like my little cue for my brain that it was safe to chill and forget about homework. Nowadays, I just hop in to them whenever I so fancy....because I’m really bad at relaxing and need to bash my brain into realising that my room is clean enough and I don’t need to rearrange my desk again.


Moroccan argan oil conditioner
So, shampoo sucks. I don’t like it. This month, I said goodbye to shampoo and hello to washing my hair with only conditioner (sans lather) and my hair has been thanking me everyday. It’s so much softer and doesn’t get so greasy so quickly, and it just looks better. Now I know it’s against my rules, but I haven’t been using natural conditioner this month, mainly because I ran out and mum just bought me what found first. And so, she came home with this little baby. It smells amazing, and leaves my hair rejoicing in nice smelling, soft and luscious happiness. Because of my personal values, I will be moving on to greener pastures (literally, greener) and using natural stuff once this runs out, but it has been a lovely little affair that I will never forget. Thank ye, Moroccan Argan Oil loveliness.

~ To Gawk at ~

When Pinterest first surfaced....I had no clue what on earth was going on. Up until recently I never really used it. I can’t really remember a defining moment between I-have-no-idea-what-this-is-it-looks-weird and OH-MY-GOODNES-THIS-IS-THE-BEST-THING-EVER-I’M-NEVER-GETTING-OFF, but somehow I made the transition and never looked back. My boards multiplied. My pins just kept pinning. I fell in love with the prettiness. So now I check it every morning and numerous times during the day, and just keep gathering tonnes of inspiring ideas. Seriously if you haven’t been on there you need to check it out, you can find anything you want on there! It’s a genius idea and I commend its creators. Now please excuse me while I go check my Pinterest.

Scientific illustrations/Butterflies & Flowers
I’ve always had a sort of fixation with vintage bookplates and such depicting butterflies, flowers, insects, and all things natural. I actually have a book dedicated entirely to the drawings one man did in the 1700’s of all the shells known of at the time. Personally, my favourite drawings to look at are those of butterflies, birds and flowers – I just love the detail that has gone in to them and am constantly eyeing them off on Etsy, waiting for the dollars to come in to maybe possibly buy myself a bookplate or poster or two, but I never do. I’m working on beginning my very own one-page documentation of all my favourite butterflies in the form of a vintage bookplate like document, all hand illustrated by me....I really can’t wait to start that! I’m hoping to take some botanical illustration courses at some stage too. I just love flowers (take a look at my pinterest and it doesn’t take long to work that one out)

~ To Create ~

DIY gifts
I love craft. I love giving presents. So, it only makes sense that I love making presents for people. It’s so rewarding, watching something grow and develop in your hands and become this useful beautiful thing, and then giving it to someone for them to love and use. Plus, I have a lot of time on my hands while I’m at home working on getting better, so it goes hand in hand! I’m working on a prezzie at the moment for one of my closest friends’ 18th birthday, and it’s really nice, but I can’t tell you what it is, lest she read this post (yes, Zoe, I’m talking about you! ;) ). I have loads of books full of cool projects, and en entire Pinterest board dedicated to it. I just take all the ideas I like and make them or mesh them in to my own take on it, and whiz it up for someone for their birthday, or just because. I think there’s so much more meaning behind, say, a crochet blanket that you’ve made  for that specific person, than a blanket you’ve picked up from the store. Go on, try it, it’s worth it!

Coloured pencils and markers
I used to work a lot in graphite, but since I’ve been sick,  colour has really become important to me – it makes me happy. So I’ve come in to mixing different  media, and I’ve recently re-discovered the magic of combining my prismacolour markers with coloured pencil – it gives a really vibrant finish. I can’t really explain what it is about these two media together that creates so much magic, they just really play with the light together. It’s like the markers are the opaque underpainting, and the pencils are this transparent detail layer on top. I better stop myself before I go off on an artistic tangent.

 Op shop craft supplies
I love craft supplies. But seriously, craft shops...why so expensive for? I mean, all the little things are fine....like wire and cotton and stuff.....but thirteen bucks for one metre of fabric?? I may as well go to ValleyGirl and buy a ten dollar maxi skirt and cut it up! GOSH! I can’t afford that!
This is where op shops once again come and save the day. In her book, Kelly Doust talks about how she collects all these different things from op shops and flea markets and the like that she uses in her projects – buttons, fabrics, trimmings, broken jewelry, old cross stitches, table cloths (for fabric), lace...pretty much anything you can cut up and use. I personally love collecting this stuff, having a stash of all these things that you find beautiful and using them in projects is so rewarding. Plus it’s classed as recycling, which I’m all for. It allows you to get so much bang for your buck! $13 will allow you to get metres and metres of all different types of fabric instead of just one metre of one fabric (yes Spotlight, I’m lookin’ at you!), and balls of wool average about 20 cents. It’s great. And all those doilies and table cloths....they provide so much beauty to put in a quilt, or a skirt, or anything you like! Oh op shops, I love you.

~ To watch ~ 

(image source)

I don’t know why, but when this movie first came out I completely snobbed it. I was all “nup, not gonna see that, don’t want to, no reason, I just don’t.” Well, if I could go back in time, I would slap that Annabelle in the face and personally escort her to the cinema. Because, this movie is a masterpiece. It’s mildly alternative, but its storyline is simply gorgeous and the way it is executed it perfect.  Visually it’s a bit steampunk mixed with pure arty brilliance, and every shot is so emotional and conveys real personal connection.  The acting is great, and there’s a lot of familiar faces – everyone from Sauron to Watson is in there. Sacha Baron Cohen plays his character to perfection, I just love his awkward little crush on the florist lady. And the main characters, Hugo and his little book reading, linguistic girl-friend (no, not girlfriend, girl friend) are great! They portray their characters perfectly, with all their little quirks and mysteries. Phew, that was a flashback to my film analysing English classes.

~ To listen: ~

   Angus and Julia Stone
Musical wonder. These two are simply great. I can’t stop listening to them, not to mention singing them! My favourite songs from them would probably be “A Book Like This”, and “Private Lawns”, which is their take on the song “Windy City” from one of my favourite classic musicals, Calamity Jane. The baseline in that song is great. So, I think you should listen to them. Come on, I even provided the videos for your convenience.

 Waterfront Christian Church podcasts
Since I got sick, I haven’t been able to get to church in almost a year. So it’s great that my own church actually provides their sermons on iTunes for free,  so that I can sit in my studio and listen to Pastor John or Angela or any of our other preachers talk about the Word that God has given them to share with us that day. There’s been at least a couple of those sermon’s that have really stuck with me, and I admit I probably don’t listen to enough of them...but they’ve really been a blessing since I got sick! So if you find you can’t get to church, check out Waterfront Christian Church on iTunes, or even download Joyce Meyer or Chuck Mistler, anything that takes your fancy. It’s great!

Well, that’s my faves for the month of April! I hope I introduced you to something new, or helped you rediscover an old love.

A new post will be up shortly(ish)!

God bless!


